Tuesday, March 11, 2008

i talked to god on the telephone

does god talk to you? does mother mary pop in for a cuppa every now and then? a strange phenomenon happened to christina gallagher of achill island some time ago when our lady popped in for a chat one day. an even stranger thing happened sometime later when gallagher bought a few mansions in dublin....
Thor (the real God and the only God. ) visited me today in my teapot. he warned against the impending doom that will befall all humankind if they dont start following him (again). donations to the cause can be made into my bank account. (email for details).

those in doubt about who the real god is should consider this:

what a cool mutherfucker, right? and instead of sitting on his ass all day reading mail, Thor actually goes out and does stuff like sending large bolts of lightning up demon's arses. Any demons that get too close get their heads crushed by his sacred hammer. Let us give thanks and praise to Thor almighty.
May Thor go with you...

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