Saturday, June 23, 2007

Show Me The Money

This guy has a problem. he spends 1000 bucks on hair products every week and twice that amount on facial creams. he is now 50000 bucks in debt. what can he do? call eddie hobbs of course!

enter eddie. "well son, your hair looks great and all and you've got gorgeous skin, but you're in pretty bad debt here. there is a solution however:

stop spending"

"gee, thanks eddie"

"well that is the first important step billy. the next thing you need to do is find another source of income. you're working 39 hours a week bringing in a nice wage but to pay off those debts you're gonna have to find more income. So perhaps, you could work in a pub in the weekends or something like that."

"yeah i could do that"

another good job done by eddie the hobbs.
next week eddie will be helping out patricia in cork with her financial difficulties.